Source Heater Error: Timeout

Hi All,

We have a 5977 MSD which came up with two errors following a site power outage:

"Source Heater Error: Timeout - temperature fails to increase under full power."
"Analyser Heater Error: Timeout - temperature fails to increase under full power."

We've seen something similar before and needed to replace the fuses inside the left compartment but I've checked and these appear to be OK (they look OK and they test for continuity on a meter). I checked the main fuses on the back too for the sake of being thorough but the MS powers up OK and they're also good. I also checked both the source heater and the quad heater's for continuity too and they both ready OK. I'm not sure what kind of resistance to expect on the temperature sensors but all the wiring looks OK. 

Is it possible the left side fuses look and test OK but are still damaged? Likewise for the heater cartridge for the source? Or, is it more likely to be the main board... (eeek!)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi NB,

    There are so many test points on mother board.

    Check test point TP600 and TP602 and tell what value is showing in multimeter.

    Or you can contact to your local agilent support to diagnose it...

  • No errors now, just not heating at all?  After waiting for good vacuum, does everything else work? Filament turns on, PFTBA valve turns on/off, ions?  Don't do this for a long time with the source cold but it won't hurt it.   Is there any chance that the main board to side board cables were plugged in with the power turned on? 

  • I would never recommend someone opens up the electronics module and tests voltages on the main board. There is a chance of causing problems or being hurt by the voltages present. 

  • \So the main screen of the MSD is showing 'All faults cleared' then 'Not Ready' at the bottom, which then changes to 'All faults cleared' and 'Fault' at the bottom. This flips back and forth but no error on screen.

    Vacuum comes good with no issues but the temperatures of the source and the quad basically aren't budging. After waiting a while the source is at about 41C which, feels about right to the touch. Quad was ready about 26 though, which seemed awful cool. Since I figured the quad should be warmer as it's closer to the transfer line, I swapped the quad heater sensor with one from a nearby 5973 but that made no difference either.

    I actually didn't check filament / PFTBA valve as tbh I wasn't sure it would tell me anything but I guess that might help isolate which board was at fault?

    Checked all the fuses again but all of them are solid.

    As far as I'm aware no chance the cabling was wrong when the unit was power cycled. I was pretty careful with it as the voltages at play are higher than I'm comfortable. I switched the unit off and unplugged it each time before opening it up at all. Of course, maybe this was done before I arrived, maybe just damage from the power cut. 

    Previous power out caused one of the left side fuses to blow so perhaps this subsequent power cut damaged something on the main board which was weakened by the first cut a while back.

  • Your power outages are a problem!  It's relatively rare for any power fail to cause damage, but if it happened once it has probably happened again and worse, sad to say.   Most electronic components are not "weakened", they work or don't work.  At this point the thing to do is to call Agilent (US is 800-227-9770) and set up a service call. 

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