Manual tuning for GC triple quad 7000 series

We currently run autotunes every couple of weeks, however we are in need of daily maintenance indicators. Are there any benefits to manual tuning that would outweigh autotuning and give us a daily status? I'm looking for a "heartbeat" for the instrument's performance that we can track from day to day, and ideally, we would manually adjust to maintain the same performance over time.


I've seen guidance documents for tuning Agilent GC MS single quads, but I'm having a difficult time finding anything similar for triple quads. Any direction or insight would be greatly appreciated!

  • One more thing, the big difference between a SQ tune and a TQ tune is that the SQ tune will optimize the detector so that you get 500,000 counts of base peak abundance (typically 69 or 219.)


    On the TQ the tune is performed to optimize source, quad, and detector and then a gain of 1.0 or 0.1 is set depending on model (1.0 gain for 7000 series, 0.1 gain for 7010 series.) Whatever abundance is achieved is recorded to the tune report, and this is generally multiple millions of abundance for the base peak.

  • One more thing, the big difference between a SQ tune and a TQ tune is that the SQ tune will optimize the detector so that you get 500,000 counts of base peak abundance (typically 69 or 219.)


    On the TQ the tune is performed to optimize source, quad, and detector and then a gain of 1.0 or 0.1 is set depending on model (1.0 gain for 7000 series, 0.1 gain for 7010 series.) Whatever abundance is achieved is recorded to the tune report, and this is generally multiple millions of abundance for the base peak.

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