Sideboard missmatch 5973 do

Getting Sideboard missmatch on my 5973 after changing the side board.  The error comes up in chemstation but appears to be a warning?  What should I do..


Chemstation communicate with the MSD

Can I use the MSD with only the message during startup in Chemstation or get I wrong data or other problems?

  • Hi ronin,

    I updated the tags for better visibility.


    The side board mismatch message usually occurs after a software upgrade or a hardware repair where the wrong log amp or incorrect side board has been replaced on the MSD. Early versions of software didn't check to make sure that the boards were correctly matched .  The 5973N is capable of fast scan , sim/scan as long as the system has the correct fast scan electronics. This means fast log amp and fast side board. If a fast scan side board is in place with a regular log amp, or vice versa, this message can be triggered. Agilent s recommendation is that the mismatch be corrected before use. To check where the problem is occurring, follow the below using the keypad on the MSD:


    from the Lui,   press menu until you



    see ''version'', then press item till you see ''log



    amp''    log01 is std, log02 is fast.   Then press



    item one more time to get to sideboard,  5873N is



    std, 5973nfs is fast





    Also note the parts used  for fast electronics in the 5973 are the same parts used in the 5975.





    Here is the list of major parts Standard vs. Fast Electronics



    Description                Old Part Number  New Part Number

    Log Amp                    G1099-65001        G3170-65001

    Side Board                G1099-65015        G3169-65015






  • Thanks for the fast response.

    I replaced the smartcart pn 05990-65420 but I got for replacement 05990-65430


    Logamplifier >> LOG01,124,53,1,CAL,\

    Sideboard  >> UNKNOWN_SIDEBOARD_TY


    Can I change someting with the keyboard?

    If I leafe it so, can I work with the MSD?

  • Hi ronin,

    It looks like the side board has lost its identity. To my knowledge there is no keyboard commands to program this. I think its a resistor on the side board that controls the identity. From an Agilent supported perspective, its suggested to replace the sideboard with a standard side board as the configuration is not supported. The big question, can you work with the MSD? Its a judgement call on your part, it may be fine, but I cant confirm that.


  • Hi ronin,

    It looks like the side board has lost its identity. To my knowledge there is no keyboard commands to program this. I think its a resistor on the side board that controls the identity. From an Agilent supported perspective, its suggested to replace the sideboard with a standard side board as the configuration is not supported. The big question, can you work with the MSD? Its a judgement call on your part, it may be fine, but I cant confirm that.


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