5977b GC-MS Autotune failing. Low count for mass 502 m/z


The tune evaluation on the 5977B GC-MS is failing. The reason is 502/69 mass ratio is smaller than 2.4 (reading = 1.5-2.0), more specifically the 502 m/z count is around 7000-9000, instead of 20000 which is seen in previous autotunes.

I cleaned the ion source, changed the filament and the next possible error that is showing is leaks or bad vacuum.

I can get H2O down to ~3% and N2 to ~2%. Previously, we been able to get N2 down to 0.8-1.0%, but I only have the vacuum on for ~24 hours to achieve 2%.

Any other possible things I can do to troubleshoot?

Parents Reply Children
  • I would try setting the atune to default and tuning from there to see if you get a different result

    Tune files are located D:\Masshunter\GCMS\1\5977

    Rename atune.u to atune.old, or the appropriate tune to .old.


    A fresh tune is located under


    You will find the tune there as atune.u etc. The tune file needs the polarity set by loading and opening in manual tune and saving the tune file with the proper polarity.


    Try tuning again and let us know the results.




  • I changed the current atune.u to atune.old, then I copy pasted the fresh tune into the default folder and made sure the polarity was set to positive and saved it. I ran a tune evaluation and it didn't go through. I then ran a auto tune and it updates the tune settings very similar to my atune.old and I still get low abundance at 502.

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