Has anyone made a TCD-FID series connection?

I need advice on the necessary adjustments to make for methanol detection after I have made a TCD-FID series connection

  • Hi obedboakye,

    If this was a working method before the series connection, there is really not much to change on the inlet or GC oven. Basically the non destructive detector output  (TCD) will go to the FID. Depending on flows, you may no longer need make up gas and may need to make some changes to the FID gases. It would help if you shared the method parameters at this point and we can make suggestions.



  • Thank you James for the reply

    Below is the full method components






                                   Method Information


              Method: C:\CHEM32\1\DATA\TEST\OBED#2.M
            Modified: 30/12/2019 at 1:03:56 PM


                                   Method Audit Trail


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 17/12/2019 11:10:20 PM
    Change Info: This method was created at 17/12/2019 11:10:20 PM and based on
                 method C:\CHEM32\1\AHMADAG\TEST.M


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 17/12/2019 11:10:22 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 18/12/2019 6:08:56 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 23/12/2019 3:52:22 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 23/12/2019 4:02:31 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 23/12/2019 4:18:39 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 23/12/2019 5:38:38 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""


    Operator   : Mohanned
    Date       : 23/12/2019 5:58:07 PM
    Change Info: Method saved. User comment: ""




                                   Run Time Checklist


                Pre-Run Cmd/Macro:  off


                 Data Acquisition:  on


           Standard Data Analysis:  on


         Customized Data Analysis:  off


                    Save GLP Data:  off


               Post-Run Cmd/Macro:  off


            Save Method with Data:  off




                             Injection Source and Location


         Injection Source:   Manual


         Injection Location: Dual
                                    6890 GC METHOD


       Initial temp:  80 'C (On)               Maximum temp:  250 'C
       Initial time:  15.00 min                Equilibration time:  0.50 min
          #  Rate  Final temp  Final time
          1   0.0(Off)
       Post temp:  60 'C
       Post time:  0.00 min
       Run time:  15.00 min


       Mode:  Split                            Flow:  25.2 mL/min (On)
       Initial temp:  50 'C (Off)              Gas type:  Helium
       Pressure:  13.70 psi (Off)
       Total flow:  5.6 mL/min
       Gas saver:  Off
       Gas type:  Helium


    COLUMN 1                                COLUMN 2
       Capillary Column                        Packed Column
       Model Number:  Agilent 19091J-413       Model Number:  Altech Haysep/ MS
       HP-5  5% Phenyl Methyl Siloxane         Haysep A / MS 5A
       Max temperature:  325 'C                Max temperature:  190 'C
       Nominal length:  30.0 m                 Mode:  (see column 1)
       Nominal diameter:  320.00 um            Nominal initial flow:  22.7 mL/min
       Nominal film thickness:  0.25 um        Inlet:  Back Inlet
       Mode:  constant flow                    Outlet:  Back Detector
       Initial flow:  2.5 mL/min               Outlet pressure:  ambient
       Nominal init pressure:  12.77 psi
       Average velocity:  42 cm/sec
       Inlet:  Back Inlet
       Outlet:  Back Detector
       Outlet pressure:  ambient


    FRONT DETECTOR (FID)                    BACK DETECTOR (TCD)
       Temperature:  250 'C (On)               Temperature:  250 'C (On)
       Hydrogen flow:  40.0 mL/min (On)        Reference flow:  45.0 mL/min (On)
       Air flow:  450.0 mL/min (On)            Mode:  Constant makeup flow
       Mode:  Constant makeup flow             Makeup flow:  0.0 mL/min (Off)
       Makeup flow:  25.0 mL/min (Off)         Makeup Gas Type: Helium
       Makeup Gas Type: Helium                 Filament:  On
       Flame:  On                              Negative polarity:  Off
       Electrometer:  On
       Lit offset:  2.0


    SIGNAL 1                                SIGNAL 2
       Data rate:  20 Hz                       Data rate:  20 Hz
       Type:  front detector                   Type:  back detector
       Save Data:  On                          Save Data:  On
       Zero:  0.0 (Off)                        Zero:  0.0 (Off)
       Range:  0                               Range:  0
       Fast Peaks:  Off                        Fast Peaks:  Off
       Attenuation:  0                         Attenuation:  0


    COLUMN COMP 1                           COLUMN COMP 2
       Derive from front detector              Derive from back detector


       Use:  Valve Box Heater
       Description:  Thermal Aux # 1
       Initial temp:  100 'C (On)
       Initial time:  0.00 min
          #  Rate  Final temp  Final time
          1   0.0(Off)


    VALVES                                  POST RUN
       Valve 1  Switching Off                  Post Time: 0.00 min
          Description:  MS Column Isolation
       Valve 2  Switching Off
          Description:  Gas Sampling Valve
       Valve 3  Off


       Time       Specifier                     Parameter & Setpoint
          0.01                              Valve 2:                On
          0.50                              Valve 2:                Off


                                   GC Injector


         Front Injector:
    No parameters specified


         Back Injector:
    No parameters specified
                               Integration Events                           




                    Non signal specific Integration Events


                    Event                                           Value
     Tangent Skim Mode                                           Standard
     Tail Peak Skim Height Ratio                                 0.000
     Front Peak Skim Height Ratio                                0.000
     Skim Valley Ratio                                          20.000
     Baseline Correction                                         Classical
     Peak to Valley Ratio                                      500.000


                    Default Integration Event Table "Event"                 


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                              1.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.700   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_TCD"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                            100.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_ADC"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                             20.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_FID"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                             50.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_ECD"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                            100.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.080   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_NPD"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                            500.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


              Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_FPD"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                             50.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.040   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


             Detector Default Integration Event Table "Event_uECD"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                            500.000   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.080   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    1.000   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.000   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial


             Signal Specific Integration Event Table "Event_TCD2B"          


                    Event                                  Value     Time
     Initial Slope Sensitivity                              4.743   Initial
     Initial Peak Width                                     0.037   Initial
     Initial Area Reject                                    4.946   Initial
     Initial Height Reject                                  1.108   Initial
     Initial Shoulders                                      OFF     Initial
     Negative Peak                                          ON        2.350
     Negative Peak                                          OFF       2.625
     Integration                                            ON        7.400
     Integration                                            ON        7.800


    Apply Manual Integration Events: No


                              Calibration Table                          




    Calib. Data Modified  :      06/09/2015 5:12:03 PM


    Rel. Reference Window :      5.000 %
    Abs. Reference Window :      0.000 min
    Rel. Non-ref. Window  :      5.000 %
    Abs. Non-ref. Window  :      0.000 min
    Uncalibrated Peaks    :      not reported
    Partial Calibration   :      Yes, identified peaks are recalibrated
    Correct All Ret. Times:      No, only for identified peaks


    Curve Type            :      Linear
    Origin                :      Included
    Weight                :      Equal


    Recalibration Settings:       
    Average Response      :      Average all calibrations
    Average Retention Time:      Floating Average New 75%


    Calibration Report Options :
        Printout of recalibrations within a sequence:
            Calibration Table after Recalibration
            Normal Report after Recalibration
        If the sequence is done with bracketing:
            Results of first cycle (ending previous bracket)


    Signal 1: TCD2 B,


    RetTime   Lvl   Amount      Area     Amt/Area  Ref Grp Name          
     [min] Sig     [ng/ul]                                               
      2.450  1  1    5.00000  223.00000 2.24215e-2        H2                                                
                2   10.80000  483.47903 2.23381e-2                                                          
                3   40.00000 2847.00000 1.40499e-2                                                          
                4  100.00000 8432.00000 1.18596e-2                                                          
      2.710  1  1    2.00000 4339.62331 4.60869e-4        CO2                                               
                2   40.00000 8.16319e4  4.90005e-4                                                          
      4.027  1  1    1.14000 2522.00537 4.52021e-4        C2H6                                              
      7.572  1  1 2.00000e-1  371.78349 5.37947e-4        O2                                                
      8.100  1  4   20.00000 4.00141e4  4.99824e-4        N2                                                
                1   50.86000 1.03355e5  4.92092e-4                                                          
                2   60.00000 1.30000e5  4.61538e-4                                                          
                3   95.00000 1.95000e5  4.87179e-4                                                          
      9.350  1  1   10.00000 1.71026e4  5.84707e-4        CH4                                               
                2   40.00000 6.19067e4  6.46134e-4                                                          
     10.200  1  1   25.00000 5.23675e4  4.77395e-4        CO                                                
                               Peak Sum Table                            


    ***No Entries in table***


                          Sample related custom fields                      


    Custom Field                   Type    Mand.  Default Value                 
    None defined


                         Compound related custom fields                     


    Custom Field                   Type    Mand.  Default Value                 
    None defined

  • No. We are using the back inlet so the front inlet is off


    On Thu., Jan. 2, 2020, 3:08 p.m. james_jenkins, <agilent-x@jiveon.com>

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