Feasibility of Nitrogen Standby

How feasible is it for EPC for Helium to be flowed with Nitrogen gas? We have 5 idle GCs that we do not use at all with EPCs that was flowed with Helium, and we want to decrease our Helium consumption by replacing the gas flowing in it to Nitrogen.

Thank you for answering my question.

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    If you have beetwin your gas source and GC any filter, then you need first to purge filters from previous gas, because if you just change method from carrier He to carrier N2, then due to the different velocities your GC will not be able to maintane constant pressure. If you don't have any filters beewtwin gas source and GC then question how you are going to switch beetwin two gases? For example in my setup I added several switch-off valves and three-way union to change carrier from He to N2, while make-up gas is still N2 in both cases.

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