Vial PCM configuration error 7697A Headspace

Hello I have a problem with my 7697A Headspace Sampler connected to 7820A GC system.

After installing the tube from Headspace Sampler to GC system I turned the devices on and both of them gave me 'Not Ready' status. I've clicked Stasus and saw a list of errors: on the Headspace it was: Vial PCM fault, Vial flow limited and External device not ready. On the GC system status show: Not ready, and problems are Front detector flow, Front inlet pressure and Oven temp.
Can anybody give me some advice what should I do in this case?
I can only add that Headspace sampler was not turn on in more than a year - can that be a problem?

Thanks for all of the answers!

  • Hello Aleksandra,

    Unfortunately provided information is not sufficient to give any further advice.
    I would recommend you to contact your local distributor of Agilent, if this is not the case for you then start with this manual Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler Installation and First Startup.

    There are several option how to connect a transfer line with 7820.
    On the page 9 of this manual you will find the Table 3 Supported headspace sampler–GC connections and control modes.
    From your errors it seems that you either have a big leak in the system or you have wrong connections of gases.
    Can you leave some picture of your hardware setup? For example connection of the tube from Headspace Sampler to GC system? And other conenctions as well.

  • Those are the images of my setup.

    I wouldn't blame the gas connection as it was working before. Unfortunately my coworkers who used to set this up are unavalible.

    So are those vials errors are connected to flow patch? Maybe I should try to connect it again?

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