Is SimDis analysis possible without additional software? (i.e. only Chemstation)

Can SimDis data processing be performed manually (i.e. without the aid of additional SimDis software produced by Agilent or a third-party) with a GC running Chemstation?

I'm looking for a low-cost solution to perform SimDis analysis of jet-fuel samples.  Ideally, this work would conform to D2887, however this would require an upgrade to my existing split/splitless inlet and the oven temperatures involved would make this method inappropriate for existing usage of the instrument.

I could potentially conform to D7096 without changing my inlet, or exceeding an oven temp. of 260C.  The quote I received for the required capillary column and third-party software was ~US$30k, which is beyond the available budget.  Can I manipulate the data obtained via my FID and Chemstation setup manually, without the need of additional software?  This would lower the cost to that of a column and calibration standards, which is well within budget.

Frustratingly, the D7096 ASTM is only valid for samples of max boiling point 280 C.  If this were extended to 300C (which should be achievable using the same hardware?) it would cover the full jet fuel range.  Instead, the next standard (D2887) is needed for jet fuel analysis, which covers all the way to 540C and requires additional hardware.

Any input/suggestions appreciated! Thank you

  • I don't know of any way for Chemstation to provide the %Off vs. temperature data that is given by Simdis - I've always seen additional software used to do it.  Chemstation could do carbon number groupings based on time groups, but that's probably the closest you'll get without the additional software package.

    D2887 could be run on a split/splitless inlet as long as the sample will fully vaporize and reach the column when injected.  If the sample has a wide boiling range, there may be some inlet discrimination.  If temperature is too high, light ends can vaporize so quickly that they exit the inlet as the syringe is removed.  If temperature is too low, heavy components may not fully vaporize and stick inside the liner.  In those cases, an inlet that can ramp its temperature is preferred (cool on-column or multi-mode).

    You may be able to extend the D7096 method to accommodate your jet fuel samples.  I haven't done this myself, so I don't know how well it will work.  However, you'll then be in the realm of a custom Simdis method and can't say the results are per a specific method.

  • I don't know of any way for Chemstation to provide the %Off vs. temperature data that is given by Simdis - I've always seen additional software used to do it.  Chemstation could do carbon number groupings based on time groups, but that's probably the closest you'll get without the additional software package.

    D2887 could be run on a split/splitless inlet as long as the sample will fully vaporize and reach the column when injected.  If the sample has a wide boiling range, there may be some inlet discrimination.  If temperature is too high, light ends can vaporize so quickly that they exit the inlet as the syringe is removed.  If temperature is too low, heavy components may not fully vaporize and stick inside the liner.  In those cases, an inlet that can ramp its temperature is preferred (cool on-column or multi-mode).

    You may be able to extend the D7096 method to accommodate your jet fuel samples.  I haven't done this myself, so I don't know how well it will work.  However, you'll then be in the realm of a custom Simdis method and can't say the results are per a specific method.

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