PAL RTC Autosampler "collision occurred on Z drive 1, force limit exceeded" Error

Hi, does anyone have experience using a PAL RTC autosampler on their Agilent GC? Recently I've been encountering an error message in Chemstation saying "collision occurred on Z drive 1, force limit exceeded" which aborts the run. Any idea how to resolve this? I've rehomed all the drives and calibrated the unit several times with no success. 

  • Hello  and  ,

    That type of error could be caused by multiple issues, such as:

    - Sticky syringe that prevents free motion.
    - Faulty Z motor. 

    - Possible improper installation of the tool or the head portion of the sampler.

    I would also make sure that you have the correct syringe type/size configured on the sampler. Not sure if that could cause this particular error, but it's worth checking.

    The main suggestion I would have is to just look at the PAL to see what it's doing. If there is an actual, physical and visible collision, you may need to re-teach the tools, If there is no collision and you get a collision error, then the suggestions above are still valid.

  • Hello  and  ,

    That type of error could be caused by multiple issues, such as:

    - Sticky syringe that prevents free motion.
    - Faulty Z motor. 

    - Possible improper installation of the tool or the head portion of the sampler.

    I would also make sure that you have the correct syringe type/size configured on the sampler. Not sure if that could cause this particular error, but it's worth checking.

    The main suggestion I would have is to just look at the PAL to see what it's doing. If there is an actual, physical and visible collision, you may need to re-teach the tools, If there is no collision and you get a collision error, then the suggestions above are still valid.

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