Modernizar un HP 5890 Serie II con FID

<p> Tengo un viejo CG HP 5890 Serie II, conectado a un Integrador HP 3395. Deseo conectarlo a una PC para actualizar el sistema de registro y de control. Llevo tiempo buscando información sobre el funcionamiento de los Puertos SIGNAL1 y REMOTE (pines de salida y entrada de datos, tensión, corriente, tipo de señal y protocolo de comunicación, etc.). Cualquier guía será muy bien recibida. </p>

  • Hello!  Thank you for your question.  Forum posts should be written in English, however you can use the translation to view content in local language.

    Translation of the post is below.

    I have an old HP 5890 Series II CG, connected to an HP 3395 Integrator. I want to connect it to a PC to update the registration and control system. I have been looking for information about the operation of the SIGNAL1 and REMOTE Ports (data input and output pins, voltage, current, type of signal and communication protocol, etc.) for a long time. Any guide will be very welcome.

  • Hello!  Thank you for your question.  Forum posts should be written in English, however you can use the translation to view content in local language.

    Translation of the post is below.

    I have an old HP 5890 Series II CG, connected to an HP 3395 Integrator. I want to connect it to a PC to update the registration and control system. I have been looking for information about the operation of the SIGNAL1 and REMOTE Ports (data input and output pins, voltage, current, type of signal and communication protocol, etc.) for a long time. Any guide will be very welcome.

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