Empower3 asing different post run for the same column


We have Agilent 7890A and 7697A which work with Empower3.

We have created the same instrument method, with the same temperature ramp and the same column properties in different projects. Although we haven't stablished any post run in the oven temperature program, it appears a post run value in the column which we cannot modify, but this value is not the same in both instruments. What can be the reason  of this different value?

Thank you in advance.

Parents Reply
  • Hi, no, unfortunately it didn't. 

    We created again the method and we had another value but we ignored this parameter as we realized that the the different created methods worked or didn't randomly.

    As we have had an update of the software (Empower), we know there is an issue with drivers and the conexion between software and equipment which it seemed to be solved increasing the GC Cycle Time in order to give time the GC to get the initial conditions, but this solution not always works, so that, we go back to the initial parameters and this time it works. So it can't be the GC Cycle Time what produce the failure.

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