Blank Run


I have noticed something different this morning. I did a black run without injection( after I changed the inlet and septum) using my method(same method) continuously for three times. All the three times I am getting different chromatogram, as seen below. Can anyone help me and explain why they are different and is there anything wrong which I need to correct. I am using GC 7820 A with FID Detector.

Run 1

Run 2

Run 3




Thanks in Advance


  • As per my knowledge after changing any component in GC (FID assembly,Injector liner parts,Column) the instrument need to be kept for conditioning about minimum of one hour other wise as you did three to four blank injections has to run.

    Due to the temperature cycles it will get stabilize and it will give a stable base line over a period.


    you did not said about the column,even column continuously bleeding you will get such kind of abnormal patterns.


    as per me your case will be the first one

  • As per my knowledge after changing any component in GC (FID assembly,Injector liner parts,Column) the instrument need to be kept for conditioning about minimum of one hour other wise as you did three to four blank injections has to run.

    Due to the temperature cycles it will get stabilize and it will give a stable base line over a period.


    you did not said about the column,even column continuously bleeding you will get such kind of abnormal patterns.


    as per me your case will be the first one

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