Hi, I'm having trouble with a signal buffer overflow.  It's complicated so please see the details

The buffer overlow is causing our sequences to crash. Instruments are GCMS only (the GCs run fine). It also happens on a colleagues instruments across the building, and it doesn't seem to matter the age of the instrument, or software being used, just that it's an GCMS. The buffer overflow error itself displays in the software and on the GC control panel. The problem is intermittent. Some sequences run fine, others crash on the first sample. Most of the time it overflows between 4-6am after about 6 samples. But not at an exact time like a scheduled task interference. Our IT and our service company both say there's nothing wrong on their end. No IP conflicts, no network outages, nothing physically wrong with the instruments or computer. I'm at a loss. The start of this did occur after a tropical storm caused a power outage, but I wouldn't think the network card would fail *sometimes*.  We didn't install any updates or change configurations recently, and it was working fine previously. I'm thinking of trying a system restore, but would like to avoid it. Any thoughts?

  • Two instruments are running off the one computer (two cards). One is a 6890N/5973N, one is 6890N/5975 with Gerstel Rail. Neither instrument has an FID, just the one MS detector, so only one signal from each. It doesn't seem to matter if both instruments are running. And either one can crash the computer. FYI it had been running fine in this configuration for well over a year.

  • Two instruments are running off the one computer (two cards). One is a 6890N/5973N, one is 6890N/5975 with Gerstel Rail. Neither instrument has an FID, just the one MS detector, so only one signal from each. It doesn't seem to matter if both instruments are running. And either one can crash the computer. FYI it had been running fine in this configuration for well over a year.

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