Update software for GC 6890N

Hello everyone, i have a GC 6890N and need to updated the software ChemStation.


I have a HP 7694 Headspace Sampler and i can't use this in my GC.


Apparently the problem lies in the software, but i don't know how to update.


Can you help me.


My actual software is the ChemStation B.04.03

  • Hi jvelasco,

    That version of software did not have headspace control if I recall correctly. The headspace had a standalone package that could be added and it ran in its own separate session. It basically emulated the keyboard and helped with some sequencing. The software is no longer available due to its age. The headspace can run from the keypad and the remote cable will step it through a sequence . I hope this helps.



  • Hi jvelasco,

    That version of software did not have headspace control if I recall correctly. The headspace had a standalone package that could be added and it ran in its own separate session. It basically emulated the keyboard and helped with some sequencing. The software is no longer available due to its age. The headspace can run from the keypad and the remote cable will step it through a sequence . I hope this helps.



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