Run incomplete

Hello everyone,


I got a question concerning a incomplete run.


It shows "Processing" on a already completed Injection. After the run is finished the Data Analysis show "  no injection"

I recently created this method. But I couldn't find the error yet. If the problem persists I create the method completely new.


Thank you


Parents Reply
  • Interesting... Having both signals selected to be saved should not prevent any .rx or .acaml files from being generated.


    Let us know if the problem continues after you made that change to the acquisition method. A service release and some hotfixes have been released for OpenLAB CDS 2.1 to address problems similar to what you are seeing here. It would be a good idea to install these updates if this issue persists. You should have access to them in your subscribenet account. If not, you can contact Agilent support (Contact Us | Agilent ) and they can provide them to you.

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