Post Your GC Selfie!

Who has the longest running Agilent GC?! Post your GC Selfie and showcase how long your system has been running. What is the name of your GC? How many GC injections? Register or login to post your picture as a selfie, with the run count, or just the instrument. Post the photo of your instrument on this thread and we will select one of your photos to be featured on our social media channels from now until August!

  • We still use this 5890 Series II for actual work.  It's older then half of the chemists working in our lab. 

    We don't have a name (just a number) for it other then that old @!&6#$;* please die so I can get a new 7890. 

    Notice the ADM2000 flow meter next to it just in case someone gets crazy and feels the need to change some flows. 

    I'm a fan of using equipment until they are no longer useful but this might be going a bit to far.

  • We still use this 5890 Series II for actual work.  It's older then half of the chemists working in our lab. 

    We don't have a name (just a number) for it other then that old @!&6#$;* please die so I can get a new 7890. 

    Notice the ADM2000 flow meter next to it just in case someone gets crazy and feels the need to change some flows. 

    I'm a fan of using equipment until they are no longer useful but this might be going a bit to far.

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