NPD auto offset ramps too high, shuts down GC.     Packed column longevity.

Hope your week is going well, can wait for spring to actually arrive.


When we turn auto offset on for either of our GCs, it ramps the output so high that it shuts down.  This is just for the nitrogen phosphorus detector.  We normally turn it off, but it turns back on every time we switch between the front capillary column FID and the back packed column.


Anyone know a acrylonitrile GC procedure that might work better?  Possibly with the FID.  The current packed column gets some carbon deposits at the front of the column and sometimes acts in a questionable manner. 

  • Hi kyleqcrel,

    I am not sure on this one as far as the application . The bead output can be a few things, gas purity, age of bead or the type of bead. My first experiences with beads were with 5890's, so I never used the auto adjust, preferred to gradually increase the voltage until it came into operation. Hopefully some others have had expereience and will reply.



  • Hi kyleqcrel,

    I am not sure on this one as far as the application . The bead output can be a few things, gas purity, age of bead or the type of bead. My first experiences with beads were with 5890's, so I never used the auto adjust, preferred to gradually increase the voltage until it came into operation. Hopefully some others have had expereience and will reply.



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