Hi all,

I am using a GC 6890 with split/splitless inlet to analyse reaction products. However, a problem has recently happened when the GC is running.


I have noticed the appearance of spikes in the baseline of the FID detector. The spikes appear occasionally. (See pictures below). The pictures attached correspond to the same experiment. As you can see the spikes occur before or even at the retention times where the analytes elute (between 13 and 15 min).



I also noticed, that when I turned of the FID, the signal reading is not 0, but a value around 0.76 and keeps oscillating,


Closer look to the signal when FID is off:

Aside from this (and maybe related to) the peaks are eluting 1-1.5 minutes earlier for the FID.


Any suggestions on what to look at?


  • Hi cberdugo,

    In looking at the data you sent, your signal and response is very low. Some of the peaks you are integrating are less than a pico amp in response. Working in this range will never yield an acceptable signal to noise ratio. What you are interpreting as spikes may just be normal baseline fluctuations. I would work at increasing response of your peaks of interest . If its a split method, decrease the split. I see nothing unusual here. The signal level with FID off is normal as well. If you want to respond with method parameters, the community may be able to make suggestions to improve the signal.



  • Hi cberdugo,

    In looking at the data you sent, your signal and response is very low. Some of the peaks you are integrating are less than a pico amp in response. Working in this range will never yield an acceptable signal to noise ratio. What you are interpreting as spikes may just be normal baseline fluctuations. I would work at increasing response of your peaks of interest . If its a split method, decrease the split. I see nothing unusual here. The signal level with FID off is normal as well. If you want to respond with method parameters, the community may be able to make suggestions to improve the signal.



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