6890N working with windows 7

Hello, I am attempting to Resurect a 6890N GC the GC seems to power up and function properly. The accompanying 5973 appears to try to power up but the display doesnot come on. The issue I am having is making these insturments work with a windows 7 computer, I am not able to use a XP machine per corporate standard. I have tried multiple IO library editions without success to get comunication established.

  • That is correct sir, I am currently at the lab both the 6890 and the 5973 are of the N persuasion. As for the chem station version it is currently D.01... so it is definitely older than recommended. I do have another possible option available as there is another pc with windows seven OS that has masshunter B.05.... version installed and running a newer GC\MSD. would it be possible to run the old 6890N from this machine? I am assuming the correct IO library and a few other settings would need attention, but would it be feasible? Also just to cover the bases could you put me in touch with some one who could give me a quote for the software I would need to get this GC running on it's own computer?



    Jeremy [personal information removed]

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