
I cannot store the parameters of the headspace  (Store Button #x)

It goes always back to the default parameters.

What can gives this problem? I didn't found a battery.  

Thanks in advance  Robert

  • Hi ronin,

    It sounds like you have a 7694A with the newer headspace mainboard (7694B) that didn't have the visible changeable battery. In this case the ability of the board to retain stored parameters has failed due to this battery failing. The only fix for this is to replace the mainboard. The mainboard is expensive for this instrument and availability is limited due to the age of the instrument. Although inconvenient, it may be worth just reentering the  parameters every time rather than repairing. I updated the tags on this post for better visibility in the Agilent Community .


  • Hi ronin,

    It sounds like you have a 7694A with the newer headspace mainboard (7694B) that didn't have the visible changeable battery. In this case the ability of the board to retain stored parameters has failed due to this battery failing. The only fix for this is to replace the mainboard. The mainboard is expensive for this instrument and availability is limited due to the age of the instrument. Although inconvenient, it may be worth just reentering the  parameters every time rather than repairing. I updated the tags on this post for better visibility in the Agilent Community .


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