Injector error message

I get the following error message which I have not seen before:  Radius HOME failed.  I installed a tower and controller from another instrument yet still get the same error on that one GC.  What would be causing this issue?

  • Hi Lorelei,


    In order for me to fetch correct information could you list model numbers of tower and controller, i.e. 7683 ALS tower.


    Meanwhile I was checking for different error messages and couldn't find Radius home failed. If error is still present could you visually inspect red led on ALS tower and tell me how many times it blinks, in case of latest 7693 you should also get error code as numbers which is very helpful.

  • Hi Lorelei,


    In order for me to fetch correct information could you list model numbers of tower and controller, i.e. 7683 ALS tower.


    Meanwhile I was checking for different error messages and couldn't find Radius home failed. If error is still present could you visually inspect red led on ALS tower and tell me how many times it blinks, in case of latest 7693 you should also get error code as numbers which is very helpful.

  • Hello Tom:


        Thank-you for your help.  The tower is a 6890 injector # 18593B.

        However, in adjusting different components, the issue appears to have been with the tray gripper that was not returning to the home position.  Once I manually moved the tray gripper arm, the error disappeared and the injector began working.


    Thank-you and have a wonderful day


    Edit - removed personal contact information

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