7890 Thermal AUX component configuration problems

Instrument: 7890 GC modified for gas injection with a 10-port valco valve. It's dual SS inlet, dual detector FID/TCD. 

I have installed some components into the AUX bracket, two heating components into AUX 1 and AUX 2, and a valve actuator in V1. Valve actuator is working beautifully.


Problem: Initially I was able to configure the heating elements and get them to appear in Chemstation Method setup, but the allowable temperature range was 0>C>0. Tried removing them and re-configuring them, HOWEVER this is where the problems started. I can go to Thermal Aux 1 on the configure screen, under "Unconfigured" is the list of available components, A1 is listed as recognized with a reading. When I select "Mode/Type" to configure ThermAux1. A1 is not listed as a selectable option. Same problem with A2 position on the AUX bracket, and the ThermAUX 2 and 3 options on the GC interface.


I've unplugged, and restarted, and redone everything in every possible combination. The valve actuator in V1 on the AUX bracket still works, the GC recognizes A1 and A2 have something plugged in, but I can't select them for configuration.


Has anyone else encountered this? Do I need to do a hardware reset, what adverse effects might that have?

  • Do you have the heaters assigned to any components on the GC like the valve box or a thermal zone? After disabling the hardware locks, press [Config] then the [Aux Temp] and select the valve box option. From there you can assign a specific heater to the valve box or even both of them if appropriate.


    To toggle the hardware lock press the [Options] button and select the Keyboard and Display menu, from there select the hardware lock and switch it off, this will require restarting the instrument.


    I use OpenLab EzChrome and the software gets fussy if you do not have heaters assigned to hardware within the instrument itself. 

  • Do you have the heaters assigned to any components on the GC like the valve box or a thermal zone? After disabling the hardware locks, press [Config] then the [Aux Temp] and select the valve box option. From there you can assign a specific heater to the valve box or even both of them if appropriate.


    To toggle the hardware lock press the [Options] button and select the Keyboard and Display menu, from there select the hardware lock and switch it off, this will require restarting the instrument.


    I use OpenLab EzChrome and the software gets fussy if you do not have heaters assigned to hardware within the instrument itself. 

  • Thank you for your response! 

    I have the hardware locks disabled then go to [Config], [Aux Temp], but no matter where I try to assign the heaters (Valve box, Therm Aux 1, etc), A1 and A2 will not even show up as a selection for assignment.


    We have also begun to have problems with the oven, after a run completes, the rear flaps open and the fan spins to cool, then it will suddenly close the flaps at 75C and never get down to 50C. This happens randomly, one time the oven will work fine then the next run we have the cooling problem.


    Someone mentioned a possible faulty board? Perhaps that is causing both these problems?

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