Baseline below zero.

I installed a second column on my machine and wrote a method. My baseline is below zero and my injection is appearing upside down. How do I fix this?

  • Agilent GC 7890A, FID, Split Liner.

    I'm setting up the column to do Hexane injection testing. It was set up this way previously but the program had been deleted and the column removed before I started here.

    Front Detector/Column which is below baseline and peak is reading upside on manual injection-HP 5 30m 0.32mm .01u


    Back FID which is working fine, HP 88  30m 0.25mm 0.2um

  • Agilent GC 7890A, FID, Split Liner.

    I'm setting up the column to do Hexane injection testing. It was set up this way previously but the program had been deleted and the column removed before I started here.

    Front Detector/Column which is below baseline and peak is reading upside on manual injection-HP 5 30m 0.32mm .01u


    Back FID which is working fine, HP 88  30m 0.25mm 0.2um

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