GC Chromatography Issues w/ Menthol

Hello All, Not certain if this is the proper location for such a question, so please feel free to indicate the correct location if I am in error.


Issue: Difficulty with GC Chromatography and irreproducible injections - Specifically, the chromatography is inconsistent between injections of sample OR standards. I am working with Menthol analyte in various formulation matrices including sprays (non-propellant) and gels. When preparing a run, I consistently have 1 or 2 injections that have dramatically increased area counts as to what should be expected. This is not necessarily tied to standard preparation (analyte in DMF) or sample preparation (includes formulation matrix) as the issue is random during the injections


I'll see these types of area counts:

Check Std A - 686

Check Std A-2 - 878

Blank (DMF) - 0
Std (n=5)
1) 913
2) 725
3) 681
4) 679
5) 680
RSD of n=5 - 14%


And in contrast, the repeatability preparations for the samples will have a 1-2% RSD of the n=5 injections.


I've also had runs where the %RSD of the std injections is less than 1%, but then the sample repeatability injections have 9%+ RSD.


I am not fully understanding how this can be so inconsistent if all conditions are the same for all of these injections. I do see a bit of tailing which doesn't typically go above 2.5-3, but i notice that some chromatograms have more tailing than the others. I'm mainly looking for any tips as to understanding if this is an issue with column interaction, system settings, etc.



Standard Prep: 50 mg Menthol / 50 mL (Dilution with N,N-Dimethylformamide)


Sample Preparation: 125 mg Sample (Corresponding to ~ 1mg/mL Menthol) into a 50 mL flask, diluted to neck with DMF - mixed for 30 minutes on wrist action - diluted to volume and mixed.


Chromatographic Conditions:


Chromatographic Conditions (GC):

8.1       GC Front Inlet                :           Split mode
Liner                             :           Agilent 5183-4711
Temperature                 :           250
Pressure                        :           33 psi
Split Ratio                     :           20:1
Split Flow                      :           66 mL/min
Total Flow                     :           72.3 mL/min

            GC Column                    :           PhenomenexZB-WAXPlus 30m x 0.25mm 0.25ID  
Pressure                        :           33 psi
Flow                             :           3.3 mL/min
Velocity                         :           67.5 cm/sec
Mode                            :           Constant Flow

            GC Oven                       :           Temperature Program
Initial Temperature        :           100
Initial Time                    :           3 min
Rate 1                           :           20
Final Temperature         :           200
Hold Time                     :           3 min
Rate 2                           :           15
Final Temperature         :           230
Total Run Time              :           13 min

            Detector                        :           FID
Temperature                 :           250
H2 Flow                         :           30 mL/min
Air Flow                        :           400 mL/min
Mode                            :           Constant make-up
Make-up [He]                :           25.0 mL/min

           Front Injector                :           10 µL syringe
Injection Volume           :           1 µL




  • Hi jcabai,

    I have updated the tags on your post and shared it with the applications section of the Agilent Community for better visibility.



  • Hi James - Thanks for taking the time to update the tags. Appreciate you looking out!

  • I'm not an official analytical chemist but have done tons of capillary GC. Your pressure and flow rates are about 3 times higher than what I use on a column of those dimensions. I only use HP-5 types columns (and chiral columns). On a new HP-5 column I think you'd find no tailing. The other thing I notice is that your signals are very weak. I am used to peak areas in the thousands and usually 10s or 100s of thousands on GC or GC-MS. With such small signals I wonder if reproducibility is possible? That solvent peak strikes me as quite wide; what is the solvent? And I'd say your split ratio is too low; I don't go below 40:1. You can set this by injecting some simple sample (like menthol) with different split ratio settings, and choose the lowest ratio at which your peak widths stop getting narrower. What you lose in the lesser amount of compound that goes onto the column is mostly made up for by sharper peaks, up to a point. Peaks wide than 0.04 min (this is the std half-height width the HP generates automatically) generally mean there is a split flow problem (split too low).

  • Hi Jcabai,


    menthol has a boiling point around 214 C, your solvent, DMF, around 153 C but is very polar. Menthol itself is also polar and I would advise to not use glass wool as it could interact with both. Single taper liner is good, maybe try the UltraInert version without glass wool. Additionally the injection temperature could be increased to 270 C, because DMF evaporates and with that cools down the liner. You only have the small difference 250 C - 214 C and the liner could cool down to lower temperatures than is needed to evaporate the menthol, even if it's just for milliseconds. Anyway, water would be worse. This evaporation at the edge could give you fluctuations in peak area as sometimes more or less analyte is purged out before it reaches the column.


    Memfarmer is also right that your average linear velocity is quite high and not in the optimum, at least for helium or nitrogen as carrier gases. Because of this your plate height is lower, your peaks broader and maybe the integration parameters are not perfect for small and broad peaks.


    Best regards,



  • Hi jcabai,

    I have marked this post as assumed answered due to its age, please feel free to update us with the result or post again if you are still having issues.



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