chromatogram  is disappearance

 hi the end user of 7890A gc agilent and i have a problem with  the analysis chromatogram  is disappearance during The run can any one have any enformation abaut this  please    

  • Hi abtisam,

    The main reason for this problem you didn't select detector signals.

    when we don't selecAdd t signal detector we never see baseline chromatogram,to solve this problem from online plot for FID signal  Click on change than from Edit signal plot remove FID signal from Available signals(left side) to selected signals( right side) by Click on Add than Click on Ok. like blow image.

    I hope this help you to solve the problem.




  • Hi abtisam,

    The main reason for this problem you didn't select detector signals.

    when we don't selecAdd t signal detector we never see baseline chromatogram,to solve this problem from online plot for FID signal  Click on change than from Edit signal plot remove FID signal from Available signals(left side) to selected signals( right side) by Click on Add than Click on Ok. like blow image.

    I hope this help you to solve the problem.




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