New to GC FID



I am new to GC Method development phase. We are having GC 7820 A with FID detector. Currently I am developing a method for industrial solvents. When I run a blank (THF), I got a very unusual spikes in the chromatogram as seen below. I have changed the inlet, septum and checked the gold seal which looks good and trimmed the column in the inlet end. Any suggestion would be of great help





  • Hello, spikes like that are usually coming from the detector, you can try what happen if you "tic" with a screw on a fid jokin, don't do that


    In my lab we don't bother about noise like the one you show us in the picture, cause we set the signal windows between 0 and 50.

    But if you need super flat baseline without spikes like that I suggest you to perform manteinance on the fid, especially installing the column perfectly.


    Apart from the detector spikes, and to be picky, I would check also the gas purity and the inline carrier filters, because a 10 pA baseline is pretty high for our standard (we have a 3/4 pA baseline at oven 70°C)

  • Hello, spikes like that are usually coming from the detector, you can try what happen if you "tic" with a screw on a fid jokin, don't do that


    In my lab we don't bother about noise like the one you show us in the picture, cause we set the signal windows between 0 and 50.

    But if you need super flat baseline without spikes like that I suggest you to perform manteinance on the fid, especially installing the column perfectly.


    Apart from the detector spikes, and to be picky, I would check also the gas purity and the inline carrier filters, because a 10 pA baseline is pretty high for our standard (we have a 3/4 pA baseline at oven 70°C)

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