A Discussion with George Reiner about using MatchCompare with OpenLAB CDS

In this video we sit down the George Reiner the Agilent GC Software Product Manager to talk about MatchCompare.  

OpenLAB CDS MatchCompare automates the time-consuming task of comparing quality control chromatograms of complex samples.  MatchCompare provides the ability to objectively compare unknown samples to a known standard.   
  • Identify and match peaks (based on Area and Retention Time) between two complex samples
  • Save time and monitor product content uniformity by peak area comparison
  • Integrates seamlessly with all OpenLAB CDS platforms
  • Localized in 5 languages (English, Japanese, Chinese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian)
OpenLAB CDS MatchCompare compares a reference chromatographic data file with an unknown sample.  It provides the comparison result in an objective format that can serve as a rigorous proof that the comparison was completed.  Your laboratory gains a significant advantage by providing both individual compound quantification using OpenLAB CDS and overall fingerprint comparison using MatchCompare.  Stop holding paper up against the window and request a quote from your Agilent sales professional today!
  • Openlab CDS software is one of the best software in dealing with and analyzing many types of petroleum and medical products. I am very happy with its development and the recent updates that help users to easily deal with the software. Also, I achieved the chromatographic analysis of petroleum liquids, natural gasoline, using the great OpenLab software, without no - need a second party softwar software.

    Best Regard's 

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