How do I resolve Bioanalyser error 1027?

We have a bioanalyser G2938C which has not been used in some time. We have prepared an assay and it produces an error message 1027. Looking at previous support questions we have the right serial cable but it is quite possible the software needs to be updated.

The computer does see the unit and the electronics test passed fine.

Our instrument ID is DE54704341 and the firmware is C.01.069

Any advice or recommendation for software update would be much appreciated as we cannot get past this error.

Many thanks

  • Hi  welcome to the Community! 

    I moved your question to the Automated Electrophoresis Forum for better visibility.



  • Hi CBSB,

    Thank you for contacting the Agilent Community. I am sorry to hear that you are observing this error. Would it be possible to share the description of error code 1027 so that I may share precise next steps?

    The firmware that you shared indicates to me that you may have any one of the following software versions installed: B.02.06, B.02.07, B.02.08, B.02.09, B.02.10, B.02.11 and B.02.12. Is it possible to share the actual software version installed? To identify the software version installed in the 2100 Expert software go to Help>About 2100 Expert. The software version will be listed in the pop-up window.

    However, I can share instructions to upgrade or reinstall the 2100 Expert software to our current latest version, B.02.12 (SR1).

    Upgrading/Reinstalling software

    Please check which version of the 2100 Expert software your Bioanalyzer system is currently running on.  In the software, go to Help → About 2100 Expert.  If your software is B.02.0X, AND your Bioanalyzer instrument is not model G2938A, AND you have all the license keys, then your Bioanalyzer system is eligible for a free upgrade to the latest version of the software.  

    The current 2100 Expert Software version is B.02.11 and is Windows 10 compatible. Before you begin you will need to confirm that the computer meets the specs in section 3 of the Read me file.

    You might need the USB-Serial Adapter Cable and Driver, part number 5188-8031.  The USB-Serial Adapter Cable is an all-black cable for software versions starting from B.02.08 (SR1) and up and is needed if the computer doesn’t have a serial port.  The previous blue/silver adapter cable is not compatible with windows 7 or 10.  The driver for the Agilent USB-Serial adaptor needs to be installed and you can do that directly from the cable manufacturer’s website.  I have included the zip file for the program download.

    Installing 2100 Expert Software  

    1. Please make sure to write down all license keys before uninstalling software, as a backup. Alternatively, take a picture of the key to ensure license keys are captured correctly. You should have at least the instrument control license key and electrophoresis license key. If you have a 2100 security pack license, please let me know as the instructions will be different.
      1. These can be found by going to ‘Help’ tab in 2100 Expert Software and then ‘Registration’.
    2. Back up your data.
    3. Turn off the Bioanalyzer.
    4. Disconnect the computer from the Bioanalyzer. Nothing should be connected to the computer at this point.
    5. Uninstall the current 2100 Expert software per section 5.5 in the Read me file.  Delete the 2100 folder from C drive.
    6. Make sure to re-start the computer and confirm all SW has been removed.
    7. Download the latest 2100 Expert software version from the Agilent website.
    8. Install the software with full local admin rights. See section 5 in the Read me file.
    9. Re-enter the license keys, if they were deleted.
    10. Restart the computer.
    11. Reconnect the computer to the instrument.
    12. Turn on Instrument.
    13. Launch 2100 Expert Software.
    14. Select the COM Port to connect the instrument.
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