Bioanalyzer license install error

I have a Bioanalyzer system that had not been run in some time.  I needed to reinstall the license information and can only get one of the two required license keys into the system.  Keep getting an error message.  How can I get the second license installed?

  • Thank you for your query.

    Please ensure that yours is not model G2938A as that is an obsolete model. Please check when the system was in use if you were running 2100 Expert software (SW) version B.02.0X. Starting SW version B.02.0X comes with atleast two sets of keys including instrument control and electrophoresis.  

    License keys can be obtained from few different ways.

    1. It is not clear if you still have access to the computer that was controlling the instrument a while ago when it was in use. If you do, license keys can be retrieved from 2100 Expert SW> Help > Registration> View license.
    2. Physical copies of license keys (on stickers) would originally be provided in a green envelope inside of a blue manila envelope.
    3. In case you cannot locate the blue envelope and do not have the keys written down or saved, please provide us with a .xad or a .pdf file of a run performed on the instrument. This will help us determine the instrument serial number and the associated SW version.
    4. If, unfortunately, none of the above requested information /data is available, we can still assist you by providing a quote in which case please email us instrument serial #, your contact information and physical address of the instrument.

    Please email requested information and/or if further assistance is needed to (for US and Canada). Thank you, Shweta

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