This Information Applies To: Lab Advisor software - Agilent G 7116A/B Multicolumn Thermostat (MCT) modules
The Lab Advisor Thermostat test is a rapid test that evaluates the cooling and heating performance of the two Peltier elements in your MCT module.
The test is run using Lab Advisor's Service and Diagnostic Test section (see Figure 1). Example is for an Agilent 1290 MCT module (G7116B).
Figure 1. Lab Advisor - Thermostat test.
The test proceeds as follows automatically:
1. The Lab Advisor Thermostat test starts by setting the temperature of the Peltier elements to the same as the ambient temperature.
2. The temperature is reduced to 4 °C and the cooling performance is evaluated.
3. The temperature is reset to the starting temperature and the heating performance is evaluated.
4. The result of the test is displayed.
Steps to follow:
Figure 2. Test result screen. Details of the test run can be found using the tabs General, Limits, and Signal.
If the result of the test is failed, please contact Agilent to get further support.
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