This Information Applies To: All Agilent LC systems.
A cluster is partnership between modules. Most modules are linked to other modules automatically, without intervention from the user, but sometimes the cluster is configured manually.
1. To work as a ‘one module’ unit, independent modules must be clustered (e.g.: Two G1361A prep pumps are clustered to make one gradient pump).
2. A valve pressure cluster between the 1290 Infinity pump and external valves allows for correct operating pressure.
3. A sampler being assigned a specific pump, especially in a two-pump system.
If the cluster is changed or the communication is lost, the resulting error may be Remote Partner Missing or Cluster Partner Missing and the device will switch to Not Ready status.
Steps to follow:
Note: Firmware declustering was added to the Basic version of Agilent Lab Advisor since revision B.02.12 so if your version doesn't show it, update it. Copy-paste the following link in your browser to download the latest available version of Lab Advisor: |
Figure 1. Lab Advisor Firmware Declustering
During autoconfiguration, if the system detects that there are modules that can be clustered, a dialogue allows you to select the modules to include in the cluster via check boxes. Select the modules for the Column Compartment Cluster and the Pump/Valve Cluster separately.
To start the clustering, pick one of the available cluster option buttons (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Autoconfiguration - Cluster Configuration
If this procedure does not solve your issue, please contact your local Agilent support representative.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent HPLC:
Agilent 1260 Infinity LC Systems with OpenLab CDS e-learning path available from Agilent education