This Information Applies To: All Agilent LC modules
The LED Status Indicators are common features for all the HPLC modules. The indicators are located on the top right corner of each module, opposite to the power switch led as shown in Figure 1.
They can vary between six different statuses: Grey (led off), Green, Yellow, Red, flashing Yellow or flashing Red.
The LED Status is very informative on the module performance and can provide important information for troubleshooting.
Figure 1. Position of LED status indicators and the Power Switch.
1. LED status indicator. 2. Power switch
- Red LED
Error condition.
It indicates that the module has detected an internal problem that will affect the correct operation of the module. Usually, an error condition requires attention (e.g. leak, defective internal components). An error condition always interrupts the analysis. If the error occurs during analysis, it is propagated within the LC system, therefore a red LED may indicate a problem of a different module. Use the status display of your user interface for finding the root cause/module of the error.
An error code can either pop-up in your CDS software, or can be found in Lab Advisor under the Log & Results panel (figure 2).
Lab Advisor will also provide information on the error source and suggest solutions.
Figure 2: Error cause identification using Lab Advisor.
- Yellow LED
Not-ready condition.
The module is waiting for a specific condition to be reached or completed (for example, immediately after changing a setpoint), or while a self-test procedure is running.
The LED is yellow while the module is initializing, after the initialization process is completed the led normally turns off/grey.
If the yellow color remains for longer than few minutes, it may indicate that the module has an issue trying to reach one of the method setpoints. - Green LED
Run mode. A green status indicator, indicates that the module is performing an analysis. - Grey LED (led off)
Idle status. This status does not indicate a failure or an error.
When the status indicator is off (and Power Switch light is on), the module is in a prerun condition, and it is ready to begin an analysis. - Blinking yellow/red
Resident firmware mode or low lever error mode.
A blinking LED indicates that the module is in resident mode (e.g. during update of main firmware).
A fast blinking LED indicates that the module is in a low-level error mode. In such a case, try to reboot the module or try a cold start (Forced Cold Start procedure). Then try a firmware update according to the User Manual. If a firmware update does not help, a main board replacement may be required: contact Agilent Technical Support or your local Agilent Service representative for further support.
Learn more on how to operate your Agilent LC System: |