This Information Applies To: Agilent 700 Series ICP-OES instruments
It is important that a torch alignment is performed to ensure that the optics are optimized and are focused on the analytical zone of the plasma. This alignment procedure will ensure maximum sensitivity and signal-to-noise.
It is recommended this procedure is carried out regularly, at least once per week, to ensure optimal performance.
The Agilent standard test solution (p/n 6610030100) can be used as it contains 5 mg/L of Mn required for this calibration.
Steps to follow:
It is recommended that you perform a torch alignment scan using the default worksheet provided, as the software will then determine the optimum viewing positions. This worksheet is called Torch Align.
Open the ICP Expert II software and select the Instrument Setup window (if it is not already open), by selecting the Tool Icon on the main toolbar or by pressing CTRL+I on the keyboard.
Turn on the plasma by selecting the Plasma On Icon on the Main toolbar or pressing SHIFT+F4 on the keyboard.
Aspirate the standard solution.
Select the Torch Align tab.
Select the Graph Type as follows:
Intensity for high precision results
SRBR for best detection limit results
Select the Horizontal for the Orientation and then select the Torch Scan button.
Select the Vertical for the Orientation and then select the Torch Scan button.
The signal (Intensity or SRBR) as a function of the torch viewing position will be displayed. The software determines the highest intensity position in the scan, and the corresponding viewing position value is stored and used for all subsequent measurements. (Figure 1)
Figure 1 - Screenshot of the Torch Align worksheet
The torch alignment calibration is now completed.
Learn how to effectively maintain your Agilent ICP-OES: Guidelines for Trouble Shooting and Maintenance of ICP-OES Systems on |