This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CDS
Sequence Creation Template allows users to create a sequence template that identifies the order of injections or actions in the sequence.
This article outlines the step-by-step instruction to create a sequence template in OpenLab CDS Acquisition software.
To be able to carry out the procedure as described, a privilege of Sequence Template > Create and modify sequence template is needed. Privileges are configured in the OpenLab CDS Control Panel application.
Steps to Follow
In the Acquisition software, click Sequence layout (Figure 1).
Click the Sequence Creation Template window (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Open Sequence Creation Template Window
1.Sequence Layout, 2.Sequence Creation Template window
The Sequence Creation Template consists of four sections: Constants, Injection Pattern, Sample Specifications, and Summary (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Sections of Sequence Creation Template
1. Constants, 2. Injection Pattern, 3. Sample Specification, 4. Summary
The most recently opened template is displayed. Click Create a new Sequence Creation template icon to clear the template, or click Open a Sequence Creation template icon to open and modify an existing template.
Define the parameters that need to remain constant for all samples in the template in the Constants section. Check the box “for all sample types” in order to browse the appropriate file (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Define Parameters in Constant Section
For more information about bracketing mode, see Select a bracketing mode.
Add, delete, or re-arrange samples in the Start, Cycle, and End of the Injection Pattern. For more details, read Build an injection pattern. Figure 4 shows an example of adding blanks, QC checks, calibration standards, and a report for an Injection Pattern section.
Edit details for each sample in the Sample Specifications section. Figure 5 shows an example of specifying details for individual samples in the template. For more details, read Edit sample specifications.
Review the template in the Summary section. Different types of samples are represented by colored circles. Associated tokens display to the right (Figure 6).
Click Save sequence creation template icon to save an existing template after modifying it or click Save the current Sequence Creation template as a new file icon to save a template as a new .stx file.
Unclick the Sequence Creation Template window to get back to the Sequence table (Figure 7).
Click Apply Template and enter the number of samples and open the sequence template .stx file. For more information, read Apply sequence template (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Apply Sequence Template
Bracket is by default a hidden column and cannot be edited in the sequence table (Figure 8). However, users can:
Figure 8. Hidden and noneditable bracket column in sequence table
1. Show column chooser, 2. Bracket column, 3. Bracket column is shown and greyed out
Click Run to start the sequence.
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