This Information Applies To: Agilent OpenLab CDS (ver 2.x)
The following procedure shows how to review completed injections in a running sequence in OpenLab CDS (ver 2.x).
Steps to Follow:
Caution: Remember to always close “In Review - Data Analysis” window when you are done reviewing completed injections. Otherwise, all pending items in Run Queue cannot continue.
Tips: The processing of completed injections in a running sequence will generate a Data Analysis version of the result. |
The following video demonstrates how to review completed injections in a running sequence.
You could also refer to the video: How to review completed injections in OpenLab CDS - YouTube.
Learn more on how to effectively operate Openlab CDS, please refer to the following: GC-OLII-2181eV5 - GC Sequences with Agilent OpenLab CDS Version 2.7 e-Learning course available from Agilent Education |