This Information Applies To: 2200/4150/4200 TapeStation systems. RNA ScreenTape and High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape assays,TapeStation analysis software
The 200 nt peak of the Agilent RNA ScreenTape and High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape Ladder has lost its normal intensity. An example of this phenomenon is shown in Figure 1 with the actual 200 nt peak highlighted with a red circle:
Figure 1. RNA Ladder with rudimentary 200 nt peak in red circle
If the peak is below a certain intensity, the software will not assign it automatically. Instead, the next ladder peak, which is actually 500 nt in size, will be assigned incorrectly as the 200 nt peak (see Figure 1). You will also see an alert in the Sample Table indicating a missing peak (see Figure 2):
Figure 2. Sample Table alert indicating an issue with ladder peak detection
The 200 nt peak loses intensity, if:
If the 200 nt peak is not assigned in the software, it has no impact on quantification and RINe calculation as these parameters are calculated independently from the ladder. Quantification is based on the known concentration of the lower marker. The RINe algorithm evaluates the eukaryotic 18S or prokaryotic 16S rRNA signal against the fast region of the electropherogram (region between the 18S or 16S rRNA peak and the 5S region). However, if you have a rudimentary signal, you may assign a 200 nt peak manually. This change is needed, if you want to do DV200 analysis and need to add regions correctly, or want to resolve the alert shown in Figure 2:
Figure 3. Right-click opens the electropherogram/gel context menu.
Figure 4. Sizing Changed observation
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent TapeStation RNA ScreenTape and High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape assays:
Agilent RNA ScreenTape Quick Guide for TapeStation Systems Agilent High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape Quick Guide for TapeStation Systems |
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.