This Information Applies To: Agilent AA240, AA280 Atomic Absorption Systems with Sample Introduction Pump System (SIPS) Accessory
The following maintenance is recommended for the SIPS Accessory, model 10 (single pump), or model 20 (dual pump).
SIPS 10/20 Accessory
SIPS 20 Connections 1 Sample, 2 Standard or modifier (SIPS 20 only), 3 Diluent, 4 To nebulizer, 5 Continuous flow
See SIPS 20 Video to watch the SIPS 20 operating with SpectrAA Software
Steps to follow
Tip: When you are using new tubing, do NOT connect the tubing to the T-piece for the first 10 minutes of the pump’s operation. |
Tip: When a new pump tube has been fitted, condition the tube as described in Conditioning the SIPS Pump Tubing (page 38)
Learn how to effectively maintain and operate your Agilent SIPS 10/20 System:
Agilent Sample Introduction Pump System SIPS 10/20 user manual on