How can I put Relative RT on the chromatogram?!

How can I put relative RT on the chromatogram?!
Added from annotation it looks like are all 0.000; I don't know to establish reference peak.
My version of software is

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  • Hello,

    RRT is a standard calculation in C.01.09. In your calibration table, you to need to pick the relative retention time peaks (RTR.Rf), at least one must be selected for the calculation to be done. Then select which reference peak number is used as the RT reference for the other peaks, if more than one RTR.Rf peak was selected. This works like setting up IS or time reference peaks. I do not think RRT is part of any default IR tempaltes so you would need to add that column to any report tables. You can see the output below where the second peak is the RRT reference peak.

    Marty Adams

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