Hello. I've started having an issue where chemstation doesn't save my retention time adjustments when I reprocess the calibration sequence. I'm including screenshots and i'll walk through this in steps.
Step 1: Run the calibration sequence and open the data file. We'll track glucose for this explanation- notice that the differences in actual vs. expected retention time.
Step 2: Adjust retention times to match observed RTs. I can click around to other samples in the calibration sequence and the times remain adjusted.
Step 3: Reprocess- this screenshot was taken while the sequence was reprocessing. The adjusted times show up in the calibration table as the sequence is reprocessing, however....
4: The times go right back to where they were before I adjusted them.
Does anybody have any insight into this? We run 10 HPLCs with this same method and I've only encountered this problem with this specific instrument.
Thanks in advance!!!