Calibration curves for grouped compounds


Is there a way to produce a calibration curve for compound groups? We have a specific analyte that reacts to form a very similar analyte. In our assays, we currently sum their areas for all calculation of recovered concentrations. We would like to be able to do this in data analysis then have it transfer over to intelligent reporter like single compound curves do. Is this even possible? We have OL CDS 2.5.



  • Cole,

    You can use timed groups to sum the area of peaks and calibrate against that sum as if it was one peak. Please note with timed groups the range does not need to be contiguous, you can have multiple ranges in the group. You can also use area sum as a timed integration event to force adjacent peaks to be summed together. CDS 2.5 cannot used timed groups as a curve reference but that is all later versions added.  

    Marty Adams

  • Cole,

    You can use timed groups to sum the area of peaks and calibrate against that sum as if it was one peak. Please note with timed groups the range does not need to be contiguous, you can have multiple ranges in the group. You can also use area sum as a timed integration event to force adjacent peaks to be summed together. CDS 2.5 cannot used timed groups as a curve reference but that is all later versions added.  

    Marty Adams

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