M/z and RT on one table in OpenLab CDS Version 2.4

We have Openlabs CDS 2.4 on our LCMS. I want to create a table that has retention time, m/z ratio and abundance on it for each sample but cannot figure out how to do this. When I look at the compound table, there is no option to add a column with m/z and when I look at the MS spectrum table, there is no place to add retention time.

thank you


  • Hello,

    Are you trying to see the m/z for the quant ion of a named peak or do you just want to see the MS base peak m/z? The second one was added in a later version of the software. If you want the quant m/z you can use string functions to isolate it from the signal name. 


    =If(Signal_Name Like "*EIC*" , Choose(1,Split(Choose(2,Split(Signal_Name,"(")),")")),"TIC")

  • Hello,

    Are you trying to see the m/z for the quant ion of a named peak or do you just want to see the MS base peak m/z? The second one was added in a later version of the software. If you want the quant m/z you can use string functions to isolate it from the signal name. 


    =If(Signal_Name Like "*EIC*" , Choose(1,Split(Choose(2,Split(Signal_Name,"(")),")")),"TIC")

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