Curve coefficient didn't correspond to the average.


First, I want to show how I perfomed my 1 level calibration curve. 

We saw that I asked for the average when several calibration standards are used and contained the same target compound. 

We do have the TFT in each of my 4 calibration standards. 

We can see it at my section filtered for Cal std only. 

What's weird here it's the first RF calculated is good (1083376/9.8 = 110549) but all the other ones are wrong. 

If we take the 2nd one and did the same calculation (1110109/9.8= 113276) and the software gave 111912. 

I don't know where this 111912 result is coming from. 

Here my injection list that shows how I performed my calibration.

Is it because my Cal.Std are not injected one immediately after another? 

I can see on my calibration curve that I has four point but the coefficient a given in the table is coming from the first injection only and not the average like I choose on the method process. 

We can't see that the a coeffiecient on the curbe at 110549 is coming from the first injection. 

So it seems that the Curve calculation is not with the average of the four peaks.

Why ?

thank you

  • Hello,

    Which injection did you use to show in the report for the calibration curve? Look at your calibration curve in data analysis and see what the A value is for that curve. Also note the way you are calibrating every sample or sample pair has a different calibration. Look at the example below where I have discreet brackets for the standards but are processing in the standard manner. You will note the A coff changes after each standard set. In older versions, before CDS 2.5 the coff would have changed after each standard injection not each bracket. In this case bracket is defined as cal std injections with no other sample types between them. If you want all your standard injections taken into account for all other injection types, you should use the overall bracket. 


  • Hi Martin, another question regarding the overall bracketing mode. It seems that the "clear calibration" option is not available in this particular mode. 

    I assume the clear calibration is doing automatically? 

    in the online help, I can read this: 

    Have you ever observed that? 

    I will check with my another injection days but I contact you just to make sure it's not a 2.6 version bug. 

  • Hello,

    That is the correct behavior, the run type is no longer an option with overall bracketing. When using the overall bracket any previous method calibration is cleared automatically within the bracket. Please note as I stated previously any injections that need the calibration should be inside the bracket (i.e. be somewhere in-between the first and last cal std injection in the result set). If you have blanks, system suitability, cleanup runs, etc. that do not need the calibration applied they can be outside the bracket. 


  • Thank you Martin for this complete and clear answer. I really appreciate. 

  • I try to add my sample name into the footer, but I have no results on the PDF when I tried. Can we add Sample_name field in the footer? 

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