Compound Custom Fields in Intelligent reports templates between projects

Hi, is it possible to copy report templates that were created in one project to another?

I am having problems with the compound custom fields between projects. 

I tried to copy a report created in one project with his own custom fields parameters to an other project with different custom field parameters. The problem was that when I copy the report template the compound custom fields parameters are not updated to those of the project where the report has been copied. 


Thank you very much


Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, but that doesn't resolve the problem that they are having. The problem they have is that the custom fields in one project don't align with the custom fields in another so the report they have copied can't be used in both. If they did what you said, they would skip the copying step but still run into the current issue.

    If you are setting up a new system, you can copy projects, which will copy all the custom fields as well, but seeing as they already have two projects, it's a little too late for this approach as well unless they want to throw out the project they copied to and replace it with another. But that causes other issues such as not being able to use the report template for old data in the project as well as possible traceability issues if they are working in a GDP environment due to multiple storage locations for one project.

    However, your suggestion is very helpful in cases when all the custom fields already align between projects since you no longer have to think about copying report templates and when an update is made for the report template the same doesn't have to be done and tested in multiple folders (or copied again). In fact, I hope they see this and implement that.

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