License file install error

Hoping someone knows the answer to this.  Nearing the end of my free trial period, I tried to install the license file.  The error message I received tells me that the license file contains a server "my MAC address in quotes" that could not be found by DNS. No such host is known.  This is odd since the MAC address tool shows this exact address as mentioned in the error notice.  Opening a copy of the license file with notepad also shows the address correctly listed.  Ipconfig of my computer lists the same physical address.  PInging my local host within the software succeeds and the software is connecting to all the hplc units.  Thoughts as to what might not be set right here?

  • Jackie: The license page of the software lists the server name as localhost. Should this be used as opposed to the PC name or does it matter? Thanks again.

  • Hello,

    Is the license server name localhost or the computer name? It sounds like this is a C.01.08 Chemstation workstation, so the name for the licensing server should be localhost. However, when you build the license file you need to use the actual computer name not localhost. If you have checked all this, then I would contact your regions Agilent support group. Contact Us | Agilent


  • Marty: Our screen looked like the one in your picture with localhost listed. Our person who submitted the license update was not given the actual computer name. Sounds like this was where we went wrong. So just to be sure, he needs to this again rather than just editing the line in current file. Another thought. If we rename the PC with the MAC address listed for the name in license file, could that work? I don’t even know if Windows would accept this as a name, but why not? Thanks, Les

  • Hello,

    Yes, you should be able to edit the file. At some point you should regenerate the file, in case you ever add or upgrade the licensing, your account will have the correct information. The top of the file should be similar to the example below with your information replacing the dummy names I used. Do not change the computer name with the software already installed as that will create other problems. 

    Marty Adams 

    #Account Name: LSG Emergency License
    #Host: ComputerName(MAC-Address = 80e82cXXXXXX)
    SERVER ComputerName 80e82cXXXXXX

  • Jackie and Marty: Thanks to you both. The changes worked. Due to some generous donors, including Agilent, we will have a working hplc for a group of high school students doing a special projects class. I’ve worked with past students in this class over several years now on a variety of donated equipment and they express tremendous appreciation in getting the opportunity to experience hplc hands on. You two helped make this happen. Thanks again.

  • That is so great to hear, Leslie! I would've loved to have that opportunity in high school, so kudos to you for facilitating it. 

    When you get a chance, could you mark Marty's latest reply as the "Answer" by clicking More > Verify Answer? As always, feel free to reach out with any other questions encountered in the software - wishing you and your students all the best!

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