7697A HS Sampler or GC/MS on OpenLab?

Morning, I have been working on a 7890B GC with 5977B MSD with 7697A HS Sampler and i have loaded a method that I received from a 3rd party lab. The parameters are exactly the same and yet when I go to run the system, it runs about 4-5 samples then stops and aborts. When checking the error, it states hardware error - data system not ready. But if this method has been done in another lab with the same system why can't i get through 1 sequence? Has this happened to anyone? any solutions? i have to restart the sequence every time from where it left off and when i am running a sequence of 60 samples, this will take a week instead of 2 days. need help here please.

  • I would check the headspace cycle time.  It could be that the software is still processing the previous run when the hardware tries to start the next run.  The HS cycle time is from when the GC starts a run until the system (including PC) is ready to run again.

  • Morning Lance, thank you for the suggestion. Are you speaking about the GC Cycle Time? If so, i have increased that and the sequence did a bit better where it ran 15 samples, but then it aborted again. and i have increased and decreased the vial equilibration time with no luck. I have noticed that if the clock for the equilibration of 1 sample in the Headspace oven is less than the clock for the start of the 2nd sample then no issue. But if the equilibration clock is more before the next sample starts, then that's where the abort happens. So i am trying to figure out how to fix those "internal" clocks. Any ideas? 

  • Morning Lance, thank you for the suggestion. Are you speaking about the GC Cycle Time? If so, i have increased that and the sequence did a bit better where it ran 15 samples, but then it aborted again. and i have increased and decreased the vial equilibration time with no luck. I have noticed that if the clock for the equilibration of 1 sample in the Headspace oven is less than the clock for the start of the 2nd sample then no issue. But if the equilibration clock is more before the next sample starts, then that's where the abort happens. So i am trying to figure out how to fix those "internal" clocks. Any ideas? 

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