Renew licence on Win XP PC with EZChrome Elite

Hi all,

I wanted to install a new network printer on an old Win XP PC. During this I set up a home network (even though I didn't need it for the printer installation after all). After this change to the PC I could not use the EZChrome Elite Software anymore. When I want to open the Software (Offline or Online) I get the following message: "Unable to open the instrument because there are no licences available. Please contact the system administrator." I performed a system  reset to a day before to reset the changes I made, hoping it would also reset the licence problem. But sadly after the reset the problem remains the same. 

I found the "Key" Software that seems to be managing the licences, but I can see there that all the licences are in use. Now I cannot relicence them, because when I type in the Serial Number the Software is giving me a new "Request Code" for the activation so our old "Enable Code" doesn't match anymore. The PC is not connected to the internet and as far as I understood it, even if it would be, the activation code cannot be generated anymore?!? (as I read in a similar post on this forum)

Can I deinstall the licence first in order to redistribute them afterwards, or will I have the same problem with the "Enable Code"?

I would appreciate any help in making our HPLC operable again.

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