Search bar does not work in Data Analysis?

Using OpenLab 2.4. When I try to search for a sample name or sequence name that I know exists using the search bar in Data Analysis (Data Selection Tab), there are never any results.

  • Hello  ,

    Are you the only user that is seeing this issue, or are there multiple users experiencing this? I am wondering if this is a Role issue, maybe you do not have the necessary roles to view this.

    Also, are you searching within a particular project, or searching across projects? The default is a search across projects. However, you can look, say under project X (fictitious project), if you want to, but if your sample is under project Y, you will not find it.

  • Hello  ,

    Are you the only user that is seeing this issue, or are there multiple users experiencing this? I am wondering if this is a Role issue, maybe you do not have the necessary roles to view this.

    Also, are you searching within a particular project, or searching across projects? The default is a search across projects. However, you can look, say under project X (fictitious project), if you want to, but if your sample is under project Y, you will not find it.

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