achieving PIONA analysis using only  OpenLab CDS with no need of a second party software.

achieving PIONA analysis using only  OpenLab CDS with no need of a second party software.

 it is to my knowledge that all oil companies
here in Egypt do not adopt or do not use OpenLab CDS Software in the
analysis of petroleum liquids. such as gasoline, and this is a great
loss due to the capabilities of OpenLab CDS Software. Therefore, after
many attempts and experiments,

And using the capabilities of the software, I made a complete method
using the OpenLab CDS Software, including separating samples, data
analysis, and calculations for gasoline with all its contents,
starting from the ethane compound to the hexadecane compound
Features of the method:-

1- By using this method, it will achieve more profit for your company
and more spread of your software, which I see in my view as the best
software, at least in the field of petroleum, because it does not
depend on a second software for making calculations. Samples are
separated, data is processed, and calculations are made through
OpenLab CDS Software.  without the use of another software.

 2- The separation is very good and there is no drift or shift with
manual syringe injection (tested by more than one person and no shift
occurred) or automatic injection with an autosampler.

3- Stability in results and no change in retention time.

4- The results were compared with the software of major companies that
used DHA and the results were identical and there were no differences
in the results.

Attached is a copy of the chromatographic analysis report for
petroleum liquids (gasoline).

I am very happy to join the global Agilant community. I also hope to
be one of the developers of Openlab CDS Software.

With my wishes for continued progress for Agilent Technology International.
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