percent recovery for check standards

Is there an option to select a field in data analysis to report % recovery for check standards? or is this a custom calculator situation. If CC is required could someone assist me in the formatting for the calculation. I am using OpenLabs CDS.

  • Hello,

    Can you tell me what version of CDS you are using? There is no standard method setting for % recovery of the check standard. Unless the check standard is the same concentration, as one of your calibration standard levels, you will need to enter those values somewhere. You can use a compound custom field or possibly a constants file in CC. I will show an example using a compound custom field in the project.

    Marty Adams

    Setup the compound custom field

    Enter the values in the sequence or result set injection list.

    Create a CCF file and reference it in the method. The

    Create a CC in the custom calculation file as a double with the peakorgroup scope. The IF will restrict the calculation to sample type QC Check.

    If(Sample_Type = 4,  Compound_Concentration  / CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetCustomField("QC Conc") * 100, 0)

  • Hello,

    Can you tell me what version of CDS you are using? There is no standard method setting for % recovery of the check standard. Unless the check standard is the same concentration, as one of your calibration standard levels, you will need to enter those values somewhere. You can use a compound custom field or possibly a constants file in CC. I will show an example using a compound custom field in the project.

    Marty Adams

    Setup the compound custom field

    Enter the values in the sequence or result set injection list.

    Create a CCF file and reference it in the method. The

    Create a CC in the custom calculation file as a double with the peakorgroup scope. The IF will restrict the calculation to sample type QC Check.

    If(Sample_Type = 4,  Compound_Concentration  / CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetCustomField("QC Conc") * 100, 0)

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