CC editor

Hi , everybody Blush 

    If i have two different compounds (two active ingredient) appears in the same sequence in the same peak result and each compound have different limit in my final result of excel sheet one compound from 90% to 110% and the other compound from 80% to 120% , how i can put this limits for two or more different compounds in my CC editor and in the report. 

        Thanks alot Blush

  • Hello,

    You could use a compound custom field in the project if the limits change frequently. If the limits are static, I would use a constants file in CC.

    Marty Adams

    Get chemical constants from a Constants file

    Chemical constants may be stored in a separate file (Constants file) and pulled in from there. To create a new Constants file in your project, import it via web interface into the secure storage of your project.

    The Constants file must meet the following requirements:

    • TAB delimited .txt file

    • Names of the constants in the first row, separated by tabs

    • Values per compound in the next rows, separated by tabs

    • Compound names in the first column; compound names must be identical to the names used in the processing method.

    For example:

  • Thanks for your quick response

       but i want to put this limits ( for example 90% to 110%) in my CC editor and in my report called the final result (for example 95%) PASSED and (for example 85%) FAILED. So , how can i translate this limits for different Compounds (where each compound has different limits) and PASSED and FAILED in CC editor and report.

          Thanks alot Blush

  • Thanks for your quick response

       but i want to put this limits ( for example 90% to 110%) in my CC editor and in my report called the final result (for example 95%) PASSED and (for example 85%) FAILED. So , how can i translate this limits for different Compounds (where each compound has different limits) and PASSED and FAILED in CC editor and report.

          Thanks alot Blush

  • Hello,

    You could use something like the example below.

    First, I added a constants file to my CCF with a column for the range. The table should have all the compound names from your method with the exact name. 

    I then create CCs in the file to use that percentage range to evaluate the area of the peak's vs the area of a specific standard level. You can see the percent range differs peak to peak based on the constants file.

    Range - Gets the Range for the peak from the constants file


    RangeLower - Sets the lower limit from the Range percentage and the average area of the compound in the level 3 standard injections. 

     CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("AveSTDArea") - (CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("Range") / 100 * CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("AveSTDArea"))

    RangeUpper - Sets the upper limit from the Range percentage and the average area of the compound in the level 3 standard injections.

     CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("AveSTDArea") + (CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("Range") / 100 * CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("AveSTDArea"))

    AveSTDArea - Calculates the average area for the compounds for the level 3 standard injections. 

    CurrentSequence.AllPeaksAndGroups.Where(function(x) x.Injection.Sample.Sample_CalibrationLevel = 3).Where(function (x) x.Compound_Name = CurrentPeakOrGroup.Compound_Name).Select(function(x) x.Peak_Area).Average

    PassFailRange - evaluates the peak area vs the range limits and gives a pass / fail flag.

    If(Peak_Area >= CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("RangeLower") And Peak_Area <= CurrentPeakOrGroup.GetDoubleCC("RangeUpper"), "Pass","Fail")

  • I try to apply but i do not and i can not to apply my percentage limits in my project and CC 

      Please i want help.

        Thanks Pray

  • I would need to know what specific problems you are having to help with them.

    Marty Adams

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